Typical Daily Schedule
7h00 | Activité du matin (facultatif) | Optional early morning activity |
7h45 | Première cloche | First Bell |
8h15 | Levée des drapeaux | Flag raising |
8h30 | Petit-déjeuner | Breakfast |
9h00 | Nettoyage des tentes | Cleaning tipis |
9h30 | Activités du matin | Morning Activities |
11h00 | Classes de français | French Classes |
12h30 | Déjeuner | Lunch |
13h30 | Repos | Rest |
14h30 | Activités de l’après midi | Afternoon Activities |
16h30 | Goûter, Tour du thème | Snack and French Culture |
17h15 | Activités libres | Free time activities |
18h00 | Descente des drapeaux | Flag lowering |
18h15 | Dîner | Dinner |
19h45 | Activité du soir | Evening activity |
22h00 | Extinction des feux | Lights out |

“We have heard a lot about Joseph’s nature talks, camping under the stars and getting to sail plus so many more stories. I had to laugh that camp food was better than my cooking. She gained so much confidence in just 3 weeks at Canoe Island. I think it really was a life experience that she will cherish for ever.” ~ Kathy, Chatham, NJ