Typical Day

Typical Daily Schedule

7h00 Activité du matin (facultatif) Optional early morning activity
7h45 Première cloche First Bell
8h15 Levée des drapeaux Flag raising
8h30 Petit-déjeuner Breakfast
9h00 Nettoyage des tentes Cleaning tipis
9h30 Activités du matin Morning Activities
11h00 Classes de français French Classes
12h30 Déjeuner Lunch
13h30 Repos Rest
14h30 Activités de l’après midi Afternoon Activities
16h30 Goûter, Tour du thème Snack and French Culture
17h15 Activités libres Free time activities
18h00 Descente des drapeaux Flag lowering
18h15 Dîner Dinner
19h45 Activité du soir Evening activity
22h00 Extinction des feux Lights out

“We have heard a lot about Joseph’s nature talks, camping under the stars and getting to sail plus so many more stories. I had to laugh that camp food was better than my cooking. She gained so much confidence in just 3 weeks at Canoe Island. I think it really was a life experience that she will cherish for ever.” ~ Kathy, Chatham, NJ